How Biden’s Debate Performance Exposed His Puppeteer Handlers


As the 2020 presidential election draws near, the stakes are higher than ever. With the American people eagerly waiting to hear the candidates' positions on crucial issues, the first presidential debate was nothing short of a battlefield.

However, what unfolded on that stage was not just a clash of ideologies, but a revelation of the true intentions behind the Democratic nominee, Joe Biden. As a conservative, it is impossible to ignore the blatant manipulation and control exhibited by Biden's team, as seen in his recent interview with Howard Stern on "The Howard Stern Show."

In what can only be described as a moment of truth, Biden admitted to being coached by his handlers before the debate, agreeing to their commands without question. This display of puppetry left the American people wondering who is really pulling the strings behind the scenes. With the entire nation watching, Biden's handlers were exposed for what they truly are – the masterminds behind his campaign.

But this is not the first time that Biden's handlers have come under fire for their attempts to control the Democratic nominee. During the debate, it was clear that Biden's responses were carefully crafted and rehearsed, leaving little room for authenticity. It was evident that his team's primary concern was not to present Biden's true beliefs, but rather to appease their own agenda. This raises the question – who is the real candidate here? Is it Biden or his handlers?

As a conservative, it is concerning to see a potential president being controlled by a group of individuals who have their own personal and political motives. It is not just about who won or lost the debate, but the underlying implications of a leader who cannot think for himself. How can we trust someone to lead our country when they are unable to make decisions without their handlers' approval? Biden's lack of independence is a clear indication that he is not fit to be the leader of the free world.

Furthermore, it is alarming to see the media's attempt to cover up Biden's lackluster performance and the manipulation of his handlers. Despite the obvious evidence, mainstream media outlets have failed to address this issue and have instead focused on attacking President Trump. This biased coverage only further reinforces the idea that the media is complicit in this facade of a campaign, choosing to protect Biden's image rather than present the truth.

As we reflect on the debate, it is evident that Biden's handlers have failed to present a strong and capable leader. Their desperate attempts to control Biden's every move only reveal their lack of confidence in his abilities. As a conservative, it is clear that we cannot entrust our country to a candidate who is not in control of his own campaign. We need a leader who can make independent and informed decisions, not one who is controlled by his handlers.

In the end, Biden's performance in the debate was not just a disappointment, but a wake-up call for the American people. It exposed the true intentions of his handlers and their attempts to manipulate the Democratic nominee for their own gain. As we move closer to the election, it is essential to look beyond the surface and critically evaluate the candidates and their teams. We must not be blinded by the media's biased coverage and instead seek the truth – a truth that was revealed on that debate stage.

What are YOUR thoughts on the debate?

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  1. I am a firm believer that Biden is manipulated by others not elected and controlling what our government does and that should scare everyone it is impossible that he even one the past election with all the evidence of fraudulent votes and illegal votes God help us this time for good to win over evil

  2. If Biden wins we are doomed to suffer communism. Trump is the only person who can handle the job of getting this country back to where it should be. He proved it before and he can prove it again. I am just amazed and thankful that Trump, as bad as the democrats treated him, is willing to take on that job of restoring our country back to what it used to be.I will be in constant prayer for him. I hope the democrats realize what they have done to him ,and all of us. They must not know that actions have consequences. They will have to answer to God for thier misdeeds and poor judgements. Eternity wii happen if they believe it or not.

  3. IfAmerican people drink the DEM koolade and put Joe the JO back in then I guess we deserve what comes next,total loss of a once great country.Don’t take the bate folks MAGA is our ONLY salvation.Even if you cant stand Mr Orange hair,you know he’s the better of all the candidates.Put your bias aside and do the right thing,MAGA.

  4. How can any person that is exposed to that dumbass knows Biden is very brain dead.Hes old stupid self is a fossil of old times .It’s time for God to get rid of this child molesting devil.The old pervert needs to go and written out of our history as the biggest fuck up in American history.This old peice of shit has ruined this country faster then any dumbass before.TheTRASH needs to go.Vote the niga out

  5. How in the name of God, did you people let this happen you all knew Biden was a sick man and yet, you manipulated him and our whole destroyed, not Biden. Hell us full of people like you. Shummer, pelosi, shifty, maconnel, Soros. Ukraine and China.

  6. Gerald Harvey God Help all of us to get Satin out of Washington DC. put Trump back where he belongs. The Democrats SUCK at all they are trying to do!


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