Unrest Unleashed: The Disturbing Descent of Pro-Hamas Students in Tearing Down Barricades


In the midst of a highly charged political climate, a shocking incident has captured the attention of conservatives across the nation. As reported, a group of pro-Hamas students have brazenly torn down barricades in a display of violent opposition.

This act of rebellion has raised serious concerns about the safety and security of our communities and the escalating threat of radical ideologies. From a conservative standpoint, it is imperative to shed light on this disturbing event and examine the underlying implications.

As chaos erupted on the streets, it became evident that this was not a spontaneous outburst, but a carefully orchestrated act of defiance. The link between the students and the notorious Hamas organization cannot be ignored. This radical group, known for its extremist views and violent tactics, has long been a cause for alarm. And now, their presence on our own soil, instigating unrest and inciting violence, is a grave cause for concern.

With the tearing down of barricades, these pro-Hamas students have made their intentions clear – to disrupt the peace and harmony of our society. This brazen display of aggression is a direct attack on the law and order of our nation. It is a blatant disregard for the safety of our citizens and a blatant attempt to dismantle the foundations of our democracy. As conservatives, we must stand firm against such acts of aggression and uphold the principles of law and order that are the backbone of our society.

Furthermore, it is crucial to address the underlying ideology that drives these students to such destructive behavior. The glorification of terrorist organizations and the promotion of their radical agendas is a dangerous path that must not be tread upon. The alarming influence of such ideologies on our youth must be recognized and countered with strong measures. As conservatives, we believe in the importance of promoting peace and condemning violence in all forms.

The aftermath of this incident has brought to light the alarming reality that radical ideologies are infiltrating our educational institutions. The fact that these students were able to gather and carry out such a destructive act is indicative of a deeper issue. It is a wake-up call for us to re-evaluate the systems in place and ensure that our institutions are not being used as breeding grounds for extremist ideologies.

As we contemplate the repercussions of this incident, it is important to acknowledge the impact it has on our communities. The tearing down of barricades not only poses a physical threat, but it also creates an atmosphere of fear and insecurity. Our neighborhoods and families should not have to live in constant fear of radical groups and their destructive agendas. As conservatives, we stand united in our commitment to protect the safety and well-being of our communities.

In conclusion, the recent incident involving pro-Hamas students tearing down barricades is a troubling reminder of the growing threat of radical ideologies within our society. It is a reminder of the importance of vigilance and the need to stand firm against such extremist views. As we continue to fight for the values and principles that make our nation great, let us not forget the lesson learned from this disturbing event – the importance of safeguarding our communities from those who seek to tear it apart.

What are YOUR thoughts on the riots?

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  1. It’s easy to take care of these stupid smartass students. Parents cut off their funds for school then ask the police to take care of the problem.If the law needs some help there are plenty of people that will have a great time mashing their heads bracking their arms then beat the basters within a inch of their life beat them down piss on the pussys then knock the assholes out.They will have a better view of life.

  2. One group is called treasonous. The other is called disruptive. It all depends on who brings the narrative. One might ask what is the difference between January 6th and what is happening today? One man(Trump) is accused/Indicted for Inciting January 6 while the behavior we see today is being Influenced by the stance and Opinion of another man (Biden). Someone please answer my question what is the difference?

  3. more dogs, firetrucks and police. Once they start destroying property, disrupting other people’s education then they have crossed the line from peaceful protestors to anarchists and deserve to be fired, kicked out of school, deported- All actions have consequences.

  4. These Pro Hamas defenders are promoting terrorism, just like Hamas did when they attacked Israelis. The only difference I see between what Hamas did in Israel and these students tearing down those barricades, is that no one was killed. But it will only be a matter of time before someone in this country will die as a result of all this pro Hamas support. It’s sad. It’s very, very sad how this liberal theology has infiltrated our educational system.

  5. Here’s hoping large and small Business will have a list of theses people and NOT hire them…I certainly would not…Let them be expelled carrying huge school loan debt …That’s what should happen in the real world

  6. You were all warned about letting these people in our country..but our president is trying to build up good points for him to other countries, but not ours. Send illegals back..don’t give them visas..

  7. Give those faux protesters a severe beating. What is their actual connection to Gaza and the Middle East in general? They appear to be a bunch of loud-mouthed losera.

  8. We need a President that would not stand for this kind of traitors in our country. All protesters who are pro Hamas and hate America that have visas should have them revoked and have them deported for life and American students that hate America and chanted death to America should be charged as traitors. If you people hate America pack your bags and get the hell out of our country we do not want you here. Biden is a coward and does not care about America just wants to make as much money as he can from selling out America to other countries. Kick him out of office.

  9. Deport all illegals who crossed the border illegally, do not give visas to them, ban the ones that are criminals for life.

  10. This anti-Israel/anti-Jew movement is being orchestrated by outside elements probably from Iran-backed activist groups or even George Soros. It is really an anti-American movement using the recent Hamas/Israel conflict to divide Americans. The students are just ‘useful idiots’ in the scheme. Notice how well coordinated and organized these ‘protests’ are run. They have outside financing to have professionally printed posters, flags, tents, food, water, etc.. Where is the FBI? Shouldn’t they be investigating who the organizers of these protest are and where they came from? Back in the ’60’s and early ’70’s, J. Edgar Hoover’s FBI undertook a massive effort to identify and track the anti-Vietnam War movement and it’s players and financiers. Now, the FBI is tracking down Trump supporters and other conservatives as ‘Enemies of the State’. What happened to our America?

  11. How did so many radicals get visas to enter our country..who is paying them? We should look at the professors. Are they leading this barbaric invasion? Who are these people? How did the USA become a Hamas country?

  12. There is nothing wrong with peaceful protest. There is a lot wrong with refusing to obey laws and regulations established for protection and safety.
    That being said, those students? who chose to pursue a course of disruption and violence need to realize the consequences of their action. The adaption of dress and concealment of face so as to emulate the appearance of terrorists suggests they should be treated as such.
    I suggest expulsion as a possible penalty. Those who choose to partake in violence should have their scholarships revoked and, if foreign citizen, returned to their native countries.
    Those who wish to protest lawfully should do so openly. Let their faces be uncovered. If they wish to stand up for what they believe, then they should do it openly; proud to show where they stand.
    I cannot agree with their position or actions but I can respect anyone who has the courage to openly state their belief, regardless of the resultant consequences.


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