Major Manhunt Underway as US Marshals Search for Fani Willis’ Lover, Nathan Wade


A high-profile manhunt is unfolding as U.S. Marshals search for Nathan Wade, a former special prosecutor and romantic partner of Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis. Wade, who played a key role in the controversial election interference case against former President Donald Trump, has gone missing after failing to respond to a subpoena issued by the U.S. House Judiciary Committee. This development has added another layer of drama to an already politically charged situation, drawing national attention.

Wade was scheduled to testify before the House Judiciary Committee regarding his involvement in the prosecution of Trump and his relationship with Fani Willis. The committee, which is investigating the handling of the case by Willis' office, issued a subpoena last week. After multiple failed attempts to serve Wade, including efforts to reach him through his lawyer and email, the U.S. Marshals were called in to track him down​.

Wade’s disappearance is particularly significant because of allegations surrounding his relationship with Willis. Earlier this year, Trump’s co-defendant, Michael Roman, filed court documents that revealed Wade and Willis had been romantically involved for some time, even taking luxurious vacations together, allegedly financed by Fulton County taxpayers. These revelations have led to increased scrutiny over the integrity of Willis' handling of the Trump case​.

The timing of Wade’s disappearance has only fueled speculation. Wade was expected to provide crucial testimony about his relationship with Willis and whether it affected the prosecution of Trump and 18 other defendants accused of attempting to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election. However, as Wade vanished, the committee was left without a key witness, prompting them to escalate the situation by involving federal law enforcement.

Jesse Watters broke the news of the manhunt on FOX News Thursday evening, and since then, the story has been widely covered across conservative media. According to reports, Wade has not been seen or heard from for several days, leading some to question whether his disappearance is an intentional attempt to avoid testifying​.

In addition to the allegations of corruption tied to Wade and Willis' relationship, Wade has faced accusations of lying under oath in a previous civil case involving his divorce. The court filing detailed thousands of text messages exchanged between Wade and Willis, further cementing the questionable nature of their relationship. This has left many wondering how deep the conflict of interest might run, especially as Wade received over $650,000 in legal fees authorized by Willis during his tenure as special prosecutor.

As of now, the U.S. Marshals Service continues its search for Wade, but the situation remains fluid. With his testimony still outstanding and the investigation into Willis' office ongoing, the political ramifications could be significant. Some have speculated that Wade’s sudden disappearance is linked to fears about what his testimony might reveal​.

The story is rapidly developing, with conservative outlets like The Gateway Pundit and FOX News closely tracking updates. For now, the Judiciary Committee is left in limbo, waiting to see if Wade will surface and testify or if his disappearance marks a further escalation in the growing scandal surrounding the Fulton County District Attorney’s office​.


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